May 1, 2023 | Blacksmith Tools, Getting Started as a Blacksmith, Start Blacksmithing Video Series
This is the seventh video in the “Start Blacksmithing” series. In this short video, I cover the basic blacksmith hammer techniques, with a bonus including the clothing and PPE I use when forging. Below are links to a few videos that go into more detail...
Jan 6, 2023 | Blacksmith Tools, Getting Started as a Blacksmith, Start Blacksmithing Video Series
Prepare your first forging hammer! This is the second video in the “Start Blacksmithing” series. In this video, I show how to take an inexpensive cross peen hammer and dress it so that it will work well as a general forging hammer. I also show how to...
Dec 27, 2022 | Blacksmith Tools, Getting Started as a Blacksmith, Start Blacksmithing Video Series
What tools do I need to get started? This is the first video from Raven’s Roost Forge and the first video in the “Start Blacksmithing” series! This video covers the basic tools you need to start blacksmithing. The “Start Blacksmithing”...